Community Development Division (CDD)
While educating the girls in the school, we realized the need to work alongside the mothers and aunts of the girls, so they have continuous support at home for completing their education and also to make the women changemakers of tomorrow. With this goal, PPES has established the CDD and working towards livelihood generation and income enhancement activities through facilitating the formation and strengthening of community-led institution Self-Help Groups (SHGs); creation of micro-enterprises and entrepreneurs, imparting the best farming practices; health and hygiene training; facilitating inter-loaning amongst the groups, Credit Linkages with the Financial Institutions to fulfill the credit needs; convergence with government schemes & programs.
CDD Current Outreach
CDD is working with 10,400 SHG women in partnership with UP State Rural Livelihood Mission (UPSRLM) in 3 different Development blocks (Anupshahr, Dibai & Dannpur) of Bulandshahr District.
Institution Structure
With the value of collectiveness and togetherness, the institution platform is a three-tier structure starting with Self Help Groups (SHGs) at the grassroots level, which merged into the Village Organizations (VOs) and eventually came together to form Federations at the block level.

- Ensuring the Sustainability of Community institutions (SHGs, Vos, and Federation)
- Building the capacities of Community institutions and community cadre
- Livelihood- through on-farm, off-farm, and non-farm based livelihood interventions creating and developing.
- The Best practices and creating awareness in livestock rearing such as Vaccination, Deworming, and improving their living conditions
- PPES model of Backyard poultry Units and Goat rearing Units

- Developing Best practices in agriculture – To minimize the cost of cultivation and increase the yield
- Promoting Vegetable cultivation with scientific packages of practice (POP) and techniques
- Micro Enterprises – Building Models of livelihood, Preparing business plans and resource Mobilization

- Convergence- ensuring the benefits of the various government-sponsored schemes and entitlements to the targeted community.
- Skill Development- Developing their skill sets and further converting these skill sets to enterprises.
- Financial Literacy- Financial literacy is concerned with providing knowledge and skills to SHG members to help them make decisions about expenditures, savings, investments, credit and insurance, and other financial services such as remittances, and pension in an informed manner

- Menstrual Health & Hygiene (MHH)- creating awareness towards MHH Best practices
- Sustainability of SHGs
- New avenues and opportunities for livelihood generation
- Income enhancement opportunities
- On-farm and off-farm livelihood interventions
- Reduction in animal mortality and reduced treatment costs for animals
- Sustainable methods of farming.
- Empowering SHG members on social issues.
- Developing women entrepreneurs
- Capacity building of SHGs
- Convergence with banks and financial institutions and government schemes